Your Knowledge December 2019
10th December 2019
Below is a summary of whats inside this months newsletter.
Click here to read it in full -----> Dec 19 - Your Knowledge.pdf
1. Australia embraces Black Friday and cyber Monday!
The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale concepts have well and truly arrived in Australia with retailers embracing this latest retail event to stimulate what has been an economically lack lustre year.
2. 5 things that will make or break your bussiness this christmas!
The countdown to Christmas is now on and we’re in the midst of the headlong rush to get everything
done and capitalise on any remaining opportunities before the Christmas lull. Busy period or not,
Christmas causes a period of dislocation and volatility for most businesses. This dislocation and
volatility mean that it is not ‘business as usual’ and for many businesses, it is the change that causes the problem.
3. Bushfire relief from ATO obligations!
The ATO has provided relief from lodgement compliance and payment obligations for
those impacted by the bushfires. An automatic two month deferral for activity statements lodgements and payments due has been provided to those in affected postcodes.
4. The super guarantee timing trap for employers!
Employees with multiple employers can now opt-out of superannuation guarantee from all but one
5. The super Guarantee timing trap for employers!
How employers are being caught out by the timing of superannuation guarantee payments.